And here I am again, I'm back! Did you miss me? : D
Today I absolutely wanted to show you my latest bargain.
And here I am again, I'm back! There are mancata? :D
Oggi volevo assolutamente mostrarvi il mio ultimo affare.
I had already set my eyes on this sweater dress a couple of months ago, but thought it was too expensive (49.99 euros) for its real value.
So I decided to be patient and wait... and wait... and wait... until I managed to find it in the clearance section in Zara and it was only... *drum roll*... 6.99 euros!!! And it was exactly my size!
Now Is not That A lucky strike? Maybe it's really true That Good Things Come to Those Who Wait, who knows?
I had laid eyes on this dress / sweater a couple of months ago, but I felt it was too expensive (€ 49.99) for its actual value.
So I decided to be patient and wait ... and wait ... and wait ... until I could not find it in sales just by Zara ... * Drum roll *... € 6.99! It was also my cut!
Now you tell me if this is not luck? Perhaps then it is true that patience pays!
What do you think about it ? Is not it cool?
E voi che ne pensate? Non è bello?
ZARA sweater dress
PIERRI over-the-knees
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