Saturday, January 15, 2011

Caribbean Fungal Infection

Boots and matryoshkas

Hello my darlings!

I hope you're all having a great weekend. Today the weather was sunny and warm over here, which is a nice change from the grey, rainy days we've had recently.

Ciao tesori!

Spero che stiate passando tutti un buon weekend. Oggi il tempo qui era bello e caldo, il che mi ha fatto decisamente piacere, visto che gli ultimi giorni sono stati decisamente grigi e piovosi.

For today's outfit I chose this maxi sweater which you have already seen  here , and paired it with a black turtleneck and black leggings.

For the outfit today I opted for this big sweater that you've already seen here, and I combined with turtleneck and leggings blacks.

Then I put on my new bag (the one I was given for Christmas) and my trusted over-the-knees. I really can not get enough of These Boots, They are so comfortable and spice up Every outfit!

Then I put on my new bag (the one you gave me for Christmas) and my trusted cuissardes. I just can not do without these boots are so comfortable and make any outfit special!

This bag looks perfect with the boots, not does it?

The bag fits in well with the boots, not do you think?

Now I say goodbye and wish you all a great weekend!
Do not forget to leave your comments ... I love reading them!

Now I greet you and wish you a good weekend!
Do not forget to leave your comments ... I love reading !



STEFANEL turtleneck sweater
BRANDY knitted leggings
PIERRI boots


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