Monday, January 31, 2011

Thank You Letter To Hairstylists

Back in black

Hi guys!

I keep HAVING problems with uploading my pictures, But here I am anyway! Haha, Flickr better not mess with me! : D

Hello guys!

still have problems loading my photos, but here I am! Haha, I did see Flickr who's boss! : D

As you can see, I am wearing black again ... But what can I do? It's a classic, and I think it suits me too.
Total black looks are always fashionable, and easy to style. To me, They are absolutely perfect for Those Days When You Want To Be trendy without Trying Too Hard.

As you can see I'm back in black ... but what can I do? It 's a classic, and I think that may give me.
The total black look is always fashionable, and easy to match. In my opinion, are absolutely perfect for those days when you want to be trendy but without overdoing it.

All You have to do to brighten up a total black look is throw in Some statement jewelery (Such as the necklace I chose to wear today) or brightly-colored accessories. Would animal work well too.

Everything you need to do to revive a total black look is important to add a gem (such as the necklace I chose to wear on this occasion) or accessories from bright colors. Even the animal would be fine in that regard.

What do you guys think? Are you into all black outfits or not? How do you style Usually Them?
Let me know!

And what do you guys think? Do you like all-black outfit or not? Combined with what they usually do?
Let me know!


BRANDY leggings
BAIXA necklace
FOREVER21 bangle

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wearing Womens Undies

Pink fur and black ruffles

Hello darlings!

First of all allow me to say one thing... YAY! 
No, I'm not crazy, it's just that I've been struggling to upload my pictures for hours. I wanted to post this yesterday, but the "share this" button on my Flickr wouldn't work.

Have any of you had the same problem too? How did you solve it?

I am still looking for a solution, and in the meantime I uploaded my pics to Photobucket...

Ciao tesorini!

First of all let me say one thing ... CHEERS!
No, I'm not crazy, it's just that I have "struggled for hours trying to upload photos to your blog. I wanted to post last night, but the button "share" on my Flickr account would not just run out.

any of you had the same problem? How did you solve it?

I am still looking for a solution, and in the meantime I uploaded photos on Photobucket ...

Anyway, this is what I Wore yesterday. It's a sporty look, But It's Also the skin at the Same Time.
Is not this too girly and adorable cashmere sweater?!

Anyway, here's what I wore yesterday. It 'a sporty yet sweet.
This cashmere sweater is not too feminine and adorable!?

I think this is a perfect outfit for a laid-back afternoon. Do you agree?

I think this outfit is perfect for an afternoon very casual and not too demanding. Do you agree?

I wish you all a great weekend!

Auguro a tutti voi un buon weekend!


TEZENIS leggings
FIX DESIGN bracelet

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Promise Me In Translate Mandarin


Spinto dalla necessità di un telescopio portatile ma mirato solo ed esclusivamente all'alta risoluzione, mi sono messo a cercare su astrosell alla ricerca di quello che più rappresenta un passo avanti rispetto all'80ED: un maksutov cassegrain.
I mak mi sono sempre piaciuti, sono compatti, qualitativi, e relativamente economici, senza contare che si rivendono senza problemi, perciò astrosell è piano di annunci a riguardo.
Un giorno ho visto un annuncio che sembrava capitasse proprio a fagiolo: "Vendo mak sky watcher 150/1800, in alternativa scambio con 80ED." Fa proprio al caso mio! All'istante contatta il venditore, persona che si dimostrò subito gentilissima e disponibile, nonché veloce nelle risposte, magari tutti i venditori fossero così!
Dopo un giro di mail ci siamo accordati, e così il mak è arrivato a destinazione.
E 'kept very well, has only a scratch on the tube but do not care much for aesthetics. The tube is solid and longer than a sct hand opening, all weigh about 5-6 kg.
Needless to say, was clouded now, will just clears the first light.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dresses,brlow The Kneee

Coco's teachings

Hello my beauties!

I am so sorry for being such a bad blogger and not posting anything for days... I just went through a very stressful and busy time and I literally had no time to take pictures.

But here I am again now, and with a new outfit post.

Ciao bellissimi!

Sono davvero dispiaciuta di essere stata una cattiva blogger e non aver postato nulla per qualche giorno... Ho attraversato un periodo piuttosto stressante e impegnativo e non ho avuto proprio il tempo materiale di fare fotografie.

Ma ora eccomi di nuovo qui, con un nuovo post di outfit.

I know it's a striking contrast to the previous one, but I think you've learned to know me by now and realize how much I like being different every day. Routine is just not my thing!

I know it is a rather sharp contrast from the previous outfit, but I think now you have learned to know and know what I like to be different every day. The routine is not for my own!

So This Is What I Wore to the office today.
But I think it's sophisticated not too formal (I HAD worn a turtleneck shirt to INSTEAD OF, It Would Have Looked definitely more elegant).

So this is what I wore today to go to the office.
I think it's a sophisticated look but not too formal (if I wore a shirt instead of a turtleneck would look much more elegant).

I accessorized it with a couple of pearl accessories, Such as a multi-string necklace and a bracelet, taking inspiration by the legendary Coco Chanel who used to style looks simple with bold jewelery.

I then added a couple of accessories (a pearl necklace and a bracelet multi-coordinated), drawing inspiration from the legendary Coco Chanel, who used to pull over costume jewelry and a very showy look very linear.

What's your opinion? Is this something Would you wear?

What is your opinion? It 's a look that will wear you?


NAF NAF turtleneck sweater
Ghiglino 1893 skirt
Philippe Matignon tights

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Words To Congratulate Someone On Their New Baby

Chained with chains of gold

Hi there!

As you can see in These pictures, I finally managed to wear jeans MET These amazing my mum got me for Christmas!


As you can see in these pictures, I was finally able to wear these fabulous jeans MET that my mom gave me for Christmas!

Being very aggressive due to the chains, these jeans can spice up an entire outfit by themselves... that's why I chose to style them with a simple black  top.

It would be very easy to make a fashion faux-pas with something so elaborate, but you can never go wrong with black can you?

Essendo molto aggressivi per via delle catene, questi jeans sono già di per sé il fulcro dell'outfit... ecco perché ho scelto di abbinarli ad un semplice top nero.

mistakes would be very easy to combine with something so elaborate, but the black is never wrong no?

In order to keep unaltered the aggressive vibe I added a chainlike Few accessories : a vintage Moschino belt worn as a necklace and a gold bracelet.

Per mantenere quest'aggressività inalterata ho però aggiunto alcuni accessori sempre ispirati al tema delle catene: una cintura Moschino vintage che ho qui indossato a mo' di collana e un bracciale d'oro.

I also wore this vintage watch from the 80s, which I absolutely adore because of its uniqueness. Isn't it cute?

Ho also wore this watch vintage eighties, which I absolutely adore for being particular. It is not too nice?

As a detail freak, I absolutely HAD to take the two pictures below ... I'm sure you too appreciate These little things as much as I do!

and bravo maniac of details that I am, I absolutely had to take the two photos below ... I am sure that you also enjoy these little things as much as me!

So what are your opinions? Did I Succeed in Any Avoiding faux-pas?

So what do you think? I managed to avoid missteps?


MET jeans
MOSCHINO CHEAP&CHIC vintage belt worn as a necklace
LORENZ vintage watch
FOPE bracelet

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Much Is Babylock Grace Sewing Machine

Golden Globe Awards 2011: In or Out ?

Da qualche giorno sono terminati i Golden Globe Awards 2011 che, come ogni anno, hanno visto vincitori e sconfitti, sul palco delle premiazioni, così come sul red carpet. Degli uomini si parla sempre poco perché hanno la fortuna di cavarsela facilmente ( un bell'abito di Prada, uno smoking e via ), mentre è sulle donne che sono puntati i riflettori e le lingue biforcute di giornalisti, opinionisti, critici e quant'altro. Perciò, come nella migliore delle tradizioni, passiamo allo scanner le dive di Hollywood: sono PASSATE O BOCCIATE?


Uno dei look più discussi del red carpet: un Armani Privé Fall 2010 color ambra impreziosito su tutta la lunghezza da paillettes e cristalli Swarovski, con profondo scollo sulla schiena. L'attrice ha fatto la scelta saggia di non esagerare con accessori, trucco and wigs. Personally I liked it a lot.


His Versace Atelier emerald (green was the undisputed king of red carpet) covered with Swarovski crystals found behind neck the applause of all. Personally I'm not crazy about this Versace, but I appreciate the effort of Angelina daring and choose something different from the usual total black to which we have become accustomed.

Eva Longoria Out
Zac Posen Its total black with jewel detail has been successful in life, but I have to puff: I find that terribly getting old and makes it seem a matron. Eva has a physical to scream and I find that this choice the full advantage.


bustier dress with long train and transparent black legs in full view to Halle Berry who chooses a Nina Ricci Fall 2009. And 'one of my favorites ever, because he dared without lapsing into the vernacular and has enhanced its silhouette.

Leighton Meester: Out

I was disappointed by our beloved Gossip Girl Blair Waldorf: I appreciated the choice of accessories (the signed Minaudo clutch Louis Vuitton shoes and jewel- Zafira by Jimmy Choo), but his Burberry Prorsum not shine, nor to cut or color. It is not the worst, but even among those worthy of note.


With an undeniable beauty and irrepressible as his is easy to look like volgari, ma Megan è riuscita ad essere chic ed impeccabile scegliendo un Armani Privé personalizzato nei toni del rosa impreziosito da cristalli Swarovski sul cinturino. Splendide anche le Brian Atwood con tacco in cristalli.

A malincuore metto tra le 'bocciate' la mia attrice preferita. La rosa scarlatta sul petto ( ton-sur-ton alla pochette Dior ) del suo Vicktor & Rolf Couture rosa confetto è terribile. A sua discolpa, ammetto di aver pensato "Sembra un vestito premaman...le sta terribilmente e lei è così esile!" but then discover that it is really pregnant. In any case I was not convinced at all this time.

The icy Amazon is never hard to be perfect with the physical that Mother Nature has given her, but the cream Prada I find it really dull color and the bangs terribly. I find that events such as this one should dare to a minimum.


anyone on the internet said about del suo abito Marchesa color cioccolata e cascata di paillettes oro "sembra che abbiano staccato un pezzo di cielo e lo abbiano avvolto intorno alla Wilde" e non potrei essere più d'accordo. Sembra assolutamente una principessa. Perfetta!


Non so quante fan abbia questa attrice, ma personalmente mi ha sempre affascinata sul red carpet per il suo look androgino e la scelta, sempre azzeccatissima a mio parere, di indossare abiti e tailleur dal taglio maschile. Questa volta però la boccio. Il suo Jil Sander più che un abito di haute couture, sembra che qualcuno abbia messo una banale camicia bianco ottico dentro una lunga gonna color champagne e anche la scelta delle deco rosa cipria con quella punta, la trovo totalmente un flop!


Penso sia una delle donne più belle al mondo ma questo vestito argentato Armani Privé non le rende giustizia a mio avviso; la fa sembrare un paio di taglie in più e dà l'idea che limiti i movimenti. Di positivo ci sono l'acconciatura, il trucco acqua e sapone e i gioielli, semplici ma particolari.


I love this woman and I find it a simple and common of a class: its Badgley Mischka gold with deep neckline on the front is not vulgar, but that the elegantly wrapped around the neckline. I find it an excellent choice with the matching clutch by Ferragamo and the detail of the straps.


Ms. Douglas has chosen a pompous dress of an unusual green woods signed Monique Lhuillier. I find it very suitable for cutting the bodice to emphasize the silhouette actress, but silk, known for its elusiveness and the characteristic lightness, so worked the weights tiered dress, making it a bit 'old-fashioned and cheap.

Perhaps it is the worst on my list. I find it vulgar in manners, in all its forms and in its TV programs. And once again, choosing this dress strapless Nina Ricci does not disappoint. Excessive and inappropriate choice of accessories (especially the earrings by Lorraine Schwartz). To think that the designer has also created the dress Halle Berry, one wonders what she was thinking when he packed it!

have been fought to the last: in itself, this Lanvin dress is wonderful and I find that it fits perfectly to the body and personality of Moore. I also like the selection of Bulgari jewelry and accessories (especially the neck that blends perfectly with the dress), but the color that I find to be excessive for an actress of her caliber and age. As the girls prefer the color of the cast of Glee, for example. And Julianne had to be careful when it dropped out of the car: not those wrinkles are forgivable in normal things. Imagine the red carpet of Golden Globe Awards!

Helena Bonham-Carter: Out

or hate or you love. And 'one of the most eclectic, whimsical and intricate cinematography. Like you, also Vivienne Westwood, or you love or hate. Tend to love his creations, though far from my style. But this time the excess has transgressed the taste and Bonham-Carter than to the awarding of the Golden Globe, it seems straight out of a surreal sets of her husband and director Tim Burton. I will not elaborate on the choice of shoes colori diversi. Eccessiva.

Va bene il colore, vanno bene gli anni '70, ma anche Heidi Klum, sebbene per altri versi, risulta eccessiva sul red carpet. Belli i colori di questo Marc Jacobs, ma il dettaglio in vita ( una specie di fiocco? ) appesantisce il tutto, così come gli svariati bangles ai polsi della modella. Così 70s anche quelli, ma troppi. La Klum ha cercato di rimediare con la semplicità dei sandali e dell'acconciatura, ma l'impresa è stata impossibile anche per lei. Merita menzione il marito Seal: il peggio vestito tra gli uomini!


Famosa per il look vagamente pin-up, con curve in vista, appeal burroso e labbra rosso fuoco, stavolta la Johansson mi è piaciuta davvero per la semplicità. Elie Saab è sinonimo di Haute Couture e non si smentisce. L'abito color pesca e impreziosito da microcristalli le avvolge delicamente il corpo e l'acconciatura semplice e il trucco nude la valorizzano ulteriormente. Se fosse stato senza spalline, sarebbe stato meraviglioso, ma non si può pretendere così tanto.


La deliziosa cantante country indossa un semplicissimo ma al tempo stesso sofisticato Badgley Mischka impreziosito di cristalli Swarovski ( vero must di questo tappeto rosso! ). Mi è piaciuta anche la scelta dell'acconciatura. Personalmente avrei abbinato un'altra clutch, ma anche questa metallica, sempre di Swarovski, non è male.


Adoro il taglio corto e sbarazzino alla Carey Mulligan, ma l'abito di organza con margherite ricamate griffato Valentino Resort 2011 è inadatto ad una cerimonia del genere. Fosse stato un altro evento, l'avrei premiata per l'originalità e la semplicità, ma in questo caso lo stile baby è rischioso.


Amo la Bullock, ma questa volta è una delusione. A partire dal taglio con frangia bombata che le copre gli occhi dandole un'aria seriosa e un po' alla Mortisia Addams, fino ad arrivare all'abito rosa monospalla drappeggiato con cristalli by Jenny Packham Spring 2011. L'abito in sé non è tra i peggiori, ma non lo vedo addosso alla Bullock e non mi sconfinfera del tutto.

Madre Natura le ha dato forme generose e voce potentissime. Per fortuna ci hanno donato anche gli stilisti che mascherano i difetti e ingentiliscono le figure. Christina Aguilera sa di avere delle curve da urlo, ma anziché valorizzarle, questa volta le ha messe in evidenza: troppo! L'abito in pizzo rosa&nero di Zuhair Murad  effetto nude sembra incapace a contenere il seno e troppo aderente sui fianchi, al punto da accentuare le forme. Christina sembra avere 5kg in più. Bocciata!

Dianna Agron: In
Perfect. Sober. Chic. I loved the laid Dianna Agron, co-star in the series Glee. The beautiful chiffon dress by J. Mendel colored powder (color of choice for these other Golden Globe), the perfect choice of jewelry by Cathy Waterman (especially the precious necklace) and miniclutch Ferragamo. I also liked the hair soft and curls slightly.

mouth instead of the other star Glee, Lea, who with his shoulder Oscar de la Renta Spring 2011 in faille salmon-colored silk exaggerates. That cascade of ruffles the age, causing Williams to commit the opposite error. Then it will also not stand in the role of Rachel ...

I think the most common on the red carpet. Do you have a physical to scream, all right to show off, but there are different ways. The deep V-neckline leaves little to the imagination. The dress is an Atelier Versace Spring 2010, fire red (eccessivo!) with a fringed skirt, hat mood. Jones will match black leather shoes, Versace always. Here I would say that choosing the color of your shoes and gave the final blow to the look!

Ozzy's daughter is not known for his taste in clothes, but this time even managed to surprise me. His shoulder Zac Posen gown with a large bicolor will not help, since it is not exactly a breadstick. I appreciate the choice of makeup and invisible to the limited effect of the accessories, which at least soften and lighten the outfit.

has received more critical praise, but I liked Mrs. Anthony. Used to see her in scantily clad and often vulgar (at the bottom she's still Jenny from the Block), this time, perhaps on their children or husband, J. Lo is the caste in a white dress in silk chiffon signed optical Zuhair Murad Spring 2011. To embellish the mask around the neckline and generous, a cape studded with Swarovski combined with the clutch and Marlena Rhinestone by Christian Louboutin.

All photos are from Just Jared