Friday, December 17, 2010

Create Your Own Wrestler Online Wwe

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
this year, after much taaaanto time, I decided to write you a letter.
As you may know already, I was not really good at that this year is about to end.
But grant me, I was not so bad.
say that I have defended, when it was needed, and I also attacked, but never with the intent to do harm with intent.
do not know if this premise be enough to soften a little towards me, in any case, we list below, in no particular order, some of the gifts I want for Christmas:

  1. regrowth of hair;
  2. brain for a change of at least 55% of Italians;
  3. a model of the series Soul of Chogokin,
  4. a new job or, alternatively, an improvement of the current one;
  5. that the films of De Sica and Bold incassino not less than 100 € (I see this hard
  6. tronisti e troniste, concorrenti del GF, dell'isola, di x-factor, di amici, ed escrementume simile, tutti a zappare;
  7. la pace nel mondo (questa fa molto miss italia...);
  8. che se scoppia una guerra termonucleare globale, appaia kenshiro e mi insegni l'hokuto (va bene anche rei per insegnarmi il nanto);
  9. un po' di concerti seri organizzati a non piĆ¹ di 100 km di distanza da casa;
  10. un carattere un po' meno incazzoso;
  11. un trenino;
  12. " donne, soldi ed un uccello insaziabile "(Quote from one of the films of Peter);
  13. Inter in Serie B;
  14. the closure of the TG4;
  15. tamarri than a motorcycle.
Well, I'd say, dear Santa, I've given you a decent range of choices.


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