Monday, November 1, 2010

Something Good To Write In A Wedding Card

After weeks, but I say, months, broken Zebedee, the usual group of aficionados of the ticket, he won the prize megagalattico Superenalotto.
I think you already know how I feel about it and not duplicate the thought.
And only the presence of news about murders, clogs and floods, there is saving of balls breaking the media about who they are or are not the winners.
But ... if I had been among those 70 and brisk aficionados, and now I had two million-odd of the euro in your pocket, we'd do?
It 's true, are those things that just thinking, destabilize a lot.
much money, I think, give a little 'head. They become a snob, chicks, round, only in pockets, but not in spirit and mind.
I know that my words may seem like a "rosicone" and if they seem, perhaps, they do have substance as well as appearance.
And for this, right in the "politically correct" I believe that the money in question, I would keep them. I would not give anything to charity, I would not give anything to the Church and even (?????!!) research.
Maybe I remember, as well as relatives of the inevitable (I imagine the phone calls already ancestral cousins, uncles or cousins \u200b\u200band nieces, who will start making me compliments, they would continue with memories of when I "held on the knees" and ending with bad luck and a list of loan installments to be paid to whom, of course, to contribute immediately), even a few loyal and sincere friend.
I could have also just happened, an increase of ass ... and that takes away a lot of money!
So, I think, on a sum that remained "poor" of the two million euro to start, a good 40% if it would fly in this manner.
And the rest?
A new car? A bigger house? Maybe a small house in town a few attimino more lively and cute that where I live now?
also filed a nose from a good plastic surgeon?
Bof ... all good ideas. Expensive, but now that I have more than one million euro in my pocket, I can afford some whim!
Eppure, al giorno d'oggi, pare che anche con un milione di euro si sia degli pseudo poveracci.
E' capace che dovrei pure continuare a lavorare! Teniamoceli stretti stì manco mille euro, eh?!
In questi casi, più che in altri, mi rendo conto dell'eccessiva materialità delle nostre vite.
L'eccessivo peso del denaro che porta, in genere, al potere. E il potere, logora. Chi ce l'ha e chi non ce l'ha.
E mi rendo conto che, ahime, non avrò mai soldi se non quelli che mi servono e serviranno, spero, per mantenere una vita dignitosa.
Per andare a mangiare una pizza a settimana, pagare un aperitivo ai miei amici, comprami un jeans nuovo ogni tanto e, magari, pagare a rate la macchina o i mobili dell'IKEA.
I soldi non sono fatti per me. La notorietà non è fatta per me. Non è fatto per me il potere e l'uso, o abuso, dello stesso.
Rimarrò sempre un numero, uno dispari ovviamente, almeno, fin quando, non proverò ad uscire da questo gioco dalle regole un po' a cippa.
E, no, non ci vedrei proprio nulla di male se, un giorno, vendessi tutto, mandassi tutto a fare in culo, e mi trasferissi in qualche paese esotico a vendere granite.
O, in alternativa, c'è sempre la famigerata fumetteria...
E, ultima entrata, un bel pezzo di campagna con una casetta rustica. Con un bel caminetto, 4 galline, 5 conigli, qualche maiale, un asinello, uno struzzo, tanti cani e gatti. Living by what I produce with my own hands, with my sweat.
If fortune should be, how lucky he is and acting on my head making me make wise decisions and right. Acting in my pocket, I do not need, not really.


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