The event starts at 18:30 in the central square of Arcidosso, 15:00 loading the machine with C8, 80ED, mounts, eyepieces and stuff and there you go.
come into town with a good half an hour early, so I decide to go first to the hotel for the room block. Just talk to meet other amateur astronomers who are the star-party meeting as Bongi (Joseph), Franco, Mauro, Marco and c8sgtxlt (Manuel), then later arrives Granz (Matthias).
Since we still have enough decide to go immediately to the top. The square
observational è abbastanza ampio, ma ci sono molti alberi tutt'intorno, visto che è ancora giorno ne approfitto per leggermi un po' coelum e per guardare il sole nel lunt da 35 mm in h-alfa di Manuel, dove di nota già una bella protuberanza verso sinistra.
Dopo pochi minuti comincia a venire sempre più gente, e comincio a piazzare il treppiede, vorrei guardare il sud ma questo mi precluderebbe l'est, perciò cerco un compromesso fin quando è buio.
Ormai si notano già parecchi cannoni nel piazzale, in primis il 16" di Bongi, quello di Manuel e quello di Mattia, poi svariati 12", lightbridge e gso.
Le equatoriali sono molte poche, ma dopo un po' salgono anche Francesco e snav (Leonardo) with their telescopes, and I more or less placed me there.
Monto C8, and I must say that it is very impressive with the tripod at full height, the hood, the new focuser and the diagonal 2 ".
When it comes also the source also begins with the legendary mixed grill of tasty sausage, of I regret having taken only one, but I compensated with plenty of bread and salami and tart.
Francesco is already beginning to take some pictures, especially the beautiful Venus-Regulus conjunction but then began to appear slowly many fireflies! And to think that we have come from them to escape from light pollution!
Darkness falls, I brush with the 80ED some field stars of the Milky Way, where a distinction bell'M11 M57 and lovely, with stars of a striking point.
We would all like to observe, but the sausages and salami, we divert attention!
Anyway, I noted a few items with my C8, and because he had a problem with the AC plug and each time you turn off, forcing me to do it all again until I broke the boxes, or because a non-party star is a real star-party if you do not go in to snoop around a bit 'in the other instruments.
So I enjoyed a fantastic M13 and M51 in the new C11 a beautiful fonts, put on a solid altazimuth mount built by him.
Not to speak of M17 and M22 with 16 "Matt.
then oh well, the classic summer, which are beautiful by any telescope and then comes the magic moment: I'm going to see in 25" of Franco.
E 'an obsession, as a brand in the sense that if we will look into your obsession with your life as long as no one will buy.
M57 camera, with the central star visible even in bright direct vision, the nebula blincking detailed, and not so bright "blincka" even, the quintet stephan evident, with 6 galaxies!! Every cloud has a photo, each globular cluster is solved, great.
And so you spend molto piacevolmente la nottata, osservando e chiacchierando in compagnia, scambiandosi pareri ed opinioni fino alle 4:00-4:15 del mattino, quando con calma si comincia a smontare tutto, ma non prima di dare uno sguardo a Giove verso levante con il C8 in binoculare (torretta e oculari prestati da Manuel):
Papà dice di vedere doppio, ma io rimango folgorato, è un'immagine dettagliatissima, con colori stupendi e di notevole incisione, un altro mondo rispetto alla monoculare, anche per questione di comodità.
Però bisogna andare, tutti stanno già caricando in macchina l'attrezzatura e così si torna in albergo, dove dormo fino alle 10:00.
A colazione incontro Marco Pierfranceschi and Franco, with whom chat before leaving for Rome, happy and satisfied, already thinking about the upcoming releases: In Piedmont and Umbria in August at the new moon stettembre
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