Luckily we are in summer, the sun sets late, and then leaves me time to dine quietly, and watch the game, meanwhile gradually out of port equipment: the mount the table, electrical wiring ... and when I set the dark polar tracking, then I put on my nice HEQ5 Tubone 8 "and 6 kg.
I have to wait at least an hour, so I scan a po'il sky, and I realize now that the stars twinkle a lot not good, and that transparency is very low, but I want to see, I said and I will.
At about 22:40 I start to observe, align the finder bad it will be shortly replaced by a 50 mm , collimation tool to Arturo and I on the same star alignment, well-managed.
Since we are over there now began to M3, close to beautiful globular boote.
A 81 X appears as a mist, but looking good can be solved in part almost to the core, the next thing I did with the eye, a Orthoscopic by 12.5 mm.
With this eye clutter filled the whole visual field, appearing quite bright and resolved completely, same thing for M5.
Data transparency is not in favor of M51 do not know why I bet you could see the two nuclei and the slight bulge of the galaxy major, but with difficulty.
MMI realized that it was better to move on.
always beautiful in the lira and the two planetary nebula in Vulpecula M57 and M27, in a little 'I should get a UHC filter that dramatically improve the vision of these objects.
A constellation that overflowing of the globular ofiuoco, I looked into it at a profit M9, M10, M12, M14 and M19, before moving to the legendary M13.
already solved by Plossl 25 mm, it becomes a spectacular 160 X with distortion-free, but the vision is best at 68 degrees fornitami dall'hyperion 17 mm. A result with the same eye but at f20 with a focal length of the apo barlow gives a negative result, the seeing is poor and does not let me go further.
E 'L'1: 30, the horizon that interests me, the south is completely clouded, as if this were not enough there is the almost full moon that illuminates further the sky, so carry it all in and go to sleep, waiting forward to the star party forum coelestis del 10-11 luglio.
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