Friday, November 27, 2009

Sore Throat After Bleach Inhalation

Interview about City of Verona

Scritto da Michele Marchesini


Hanno un nome che rimanda obbligatoriamente ad Oriente, ma un sound che prende forma dall’incrocio di coordinate diverse del piano geografico e musicale. Sono i Tokyo Conspiracy: formazione tutta Veronese composta da membri provenienti da gruppi più o meno noti al pubblico attento della nostra città. Conosciamoli meglio attraverso le due voci del gruppo: Tiffany e Manuele.

1) Da quanto tempo suonate assieme in questa formazione?
Da circa 5 anni.

Chi vi conosce sa quanto siate persone diverse, ma ascoltandovi mi viene in mente una frase which says that "the result is different from the mere sum of its parts". How to interpret it?
E 'a phrase that really concerns us. The result in our case as well as being different from the sum of the parts is more. We come from the same music scene in Verona and we knew personally and musically before forming the TC knew our differences and we have taken as a point of strength to create something original.

Offer a particular music product that could be called "hybrid": on one side, winked melodic element, and second, not disdain the technical element. Whose side are more happy?
Manuel: I would say that you are speaking with their melodic side. In this group is true, there are a lot of musicians, technicians, is not my case, but the merger with other more melodic sound to our door. It 's a bit of the merger of the speech before. I prefer the side of the music that touches the feelings, the feeling, but to do that other parts of the group use their technicality.

I presented as an Art Rock band, what does this mean?
is not a name coined by us, is used for bands like Pink Floyd, for a certain kind of psychedelic 70s, and now for bands like Porcupine Tree and Riverside. It 's a modern concept of progressive mixed with a fresher sound. In the end, like a lot of music today, a crossover between genres.

How are your pieces? You have established a modus operandi?
Many pieces are born from improvisations in the rehearsal room. We really hours to improvise from there was born an idea for a ride, and from that we start with development. Some pieces have been proposed by Stefano (drums) who has many ideas and being multi-instrumentalist gives us sometimes guitar riffs, sometimes low, sometimes rhythmic. Then the idea is taken in hand by the musicians 'owners' and developed.

Admittedly, with Japan, apart from the name, you have little to do: intelligent marketing move or a simple aesthetic narcissism?
Tiffany: Personally I really love Japan, but the choice is not due to a real inspiration to Japan and even a marketing strategy. It all started from the choice of the name, after a lengthy selection made between us. Then Japan turned out to be an interesting choice of colors and styles in clothing, but it is not only that. Japan is a land of contradictions, contrasts, a nation where what's most classic and minimal joins the strong colors and noise. The provinces
quiet spa made of pensions and rice paper at a frenetic pace from the garish Tokyo and futuristic. Moreover, as happens in many of our pieces, Japan inspired by different cultures refined and adapted to their own spaces and the new and the different traditions.

Tell me in two words a virtue and a flaw in your music?
Tiffany: An honor, surely originality. A defect in the difficulty to incorporate into a defined category.
Manuel: The defect is the complexity for the listener, Our product is not "easy listening". The quality certainly is fun to play for us musicians and an attentive listener can get lost in countless shades.

You said to play assieme da qualche anno ormai: come mai vi si vede così poco in giro?
Diciamo che questo non è il periodo più florido per la Verona dei gruppi emergenti e indipendenti. I locali che propongono musica dal vivo spesso durano solo una stagione prima di chiudere, le possibilità e le condizioni per esibirsi non sono tra le migliori.

Quando potremo vedervi di nuovo live?
Venerdì 27 novembre al Boomerang Pub di Illasi con i Little Shamans e prossimamente a Padova in radio.

Musicalmente ci sono sere in cui a Verona magari non si sa cosa fare, altre in cui ci sono troppe offerte e non si sa cosa scegliere. Avete una riga per convincere un nostro lettore a venire a sentirvi.
Tiffany: We are really beautiful and good!
Manuel: We play around a little so that our show is a must!