Thursday, September 10, 2009

Instructions For Wella Straight

Conspiracy Tokyo: Tokyo Conspiracy review EUTK

New review EUTK .

Get first full length Tokio Conspiracy, training in Verona, apart from the evident passion for Japan (dall'artwork nicknames to the style of clothing, and so on and so forth ...), you delight in a crossover of genres, all revolving around a gothic / rock atmosferic, very close to the last Lacuna Coil, although the influence and contamination of our sound are many and varied. A good handful of songs, in short, for a project at times unsettling, but however, based on musical structures very "standard", if I pass the banality of the term. "Nemesis" has an interesting melody line, marked as always by Miyuky \u200b\u200bgood voice, I also appreciated the brief, lucid madness "Little Creatures" and the atmosphere very painful and "prog" (in the sense of "experimental" ) of "Lucifer".

It 's a hard strange, that certainly does not assimilate at first hearing, in some parts more rarefied, I caught echoes of the Gathering, and shortly afterwards they took us on a completely different chitarrone twisted strands, making the unusual proposal, interesting, almost disturbing in its desire to be heard in his own way. A hard, in short, that in itself could have i crismi del colpaccio, se non fosse per certe leggere ripetitività che lasciano trasparire meccanismi creativi altalenanti, quasi come se i Tokio Conspiracy si concentrassero più sui piccoli divertissement che sulle canzoni vere e proprie. Detto ciò, è di certo mille volte meglio dell'ultimo Lacuna Coil...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Islam Wedding Messages

out from the crowd! New photos added in

Esce su Fuori dal Mucchio , la rivista online de Il Mucchio Selvaggio, la prima recensione del nuovo disco dei Tokio Conspiracy.

Nati inizialmente come un’alleanza a tempo definito di vari musicisti veronesi, i Tokio Conspiracy si sono gradualmente trasformati in una band vera e propria, capace di infondere una particolare impronta ad una spinta creativa già Originally extravagant: in fact, the five protagonists, fascinated by Japanese culture - both behind pseudonyms to disguise themselves as Myiuk (voec) i, Katsutoshi (bass, vocals), Tatsuhiro (keyboards, vocals), Shiro (guitars) and Yoshi (drums) - come from military or groups devoted to styles however unrelated to the original (Mr. Wilson, Aneurysm and Gen Brown). The situation between the grooves of this debut is pushed to excess, and the twelve tracks you can listen to the phrasing of crossover in various forms, art-rock, as they themselves define their music, with traces of gothic metal, electronics and even folk, with a range of solutions and varied rhythmic work on the sounds. The writing is not always well defined, see the naive "Shadow," but when the use of double entry man / woman is a perfect location, as in "River", the result is certainly exciting. Even the initial "lie" and the prog-like atmosphere of "heir", which echoes even PFM - without prejudice to document references - tracks that are proving a growing talent, and if the melancholy of "Lucifer" lies on a simple but intriguing melody, the same can not be said of "Little creauture" where is the spectrum of Nine Inch Nails, complete with sing-song to the Goblin degna di un film di Dario Argento. Insomma, tanti gli ingredienti utilizzati da questi Tokio Conspiracy, che riescono nell’impresa di incuriosire e piacere. E sul palco dimostrano quella coesione d’intenti che non è così facile da trovare. (Gianni Della Cioppa)